Dungeons & Dragons is an animation series co-produced by Marvel Productions, TSR and Toei Animation, based on the eponymous role-playing game.The series featured 27 episodes, broadcasted between 1983 and 1985, following a group of six kids that, during a ride in a roller coaster, were transported to another world, simply called Kingdom. Receiving magical weapons from an old dwarf who presents himself as Dungeon Master, the group go through various adventures seeking to return home.Venger is the main villain of the show, an evil wizard with great mystical abilities. He also rides a creature named Nightmare and has an informant called Shadow Demon.Iron Studios proudly presents this deluxe version of Venger in 1:10 BDS Art Scale, featuring a lot of details the compose a huge masterpiece. A great iten to go together with the rest of the Dungeons & Dragons characters!Features:- Limited edition.- Made in polystone.- Hand-painted.
This product is a collectible item!
Only suited for adult collectors - not ment to be a child's toy!
Keep away from children under 3 years - choking hazard because of small parts.