Based on original animation designs by Tracy Mark Lee, Elvira stands approximately 9" tall, reclining atop her sofa base. Each Elvira statue is hand cast in high quality polystone and hand painted to exacting standards. It is packaged in a durable foam interior and a beautiful full color box. Don't miss this chance to add Elvira to your collection!
Electric Tiki and Sideshow Collectibles are proud to present Elvira, the latest character to join Tracy Mark Lee's Tooned Up Television series, an ongoing salute to classic TV characters...
Bei diesem Produkt handelt es sich um einen Sammlerartikel!
Nur für erwachsene Sammler geeignet - nicht als Kinderspielzeug gedacht!
Von Kindern unter 3 Jahren fernhalten - Erstickungsgefahr aufgrund verschluckbarer Kleinteile.