Recently freed from prison, Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad set out to save humanity. After his squad is decimated, former Thrashball player Augustus Cole joins Delta Squad in their mission to rescue mankind and crush the Locust Horde. A loyal and merciless foot soldier in the vast Horde, the Locust Drone is intent on tearing apart any human in its path… especially the members of Delta Squad! From the smash-hit Xbox 360 3rd-person shooter video game Gears of War, come these highly detailed Action Figures. You've played the game. Now, own the figures! This item measures 10 1/2-inches tall x 25 7/8-inches wide x 2 3/4-inches deep.
This Series 2 box set of 4 pieces includes the following characters: Dominic Santiago Damon Baird Theron Guard Marcus Fenix (überarbeitete Version, mehr Bewegungspunkte)
Bei diesem Produkt handelt es sich um einen Sammlerartikel!
Nur für erwachsene Sammler geeignet - nicht als Kinderspielzeug gedacht!
Von Kindern unter 3 Jahren fernhalten - Erstickungsgefahr aufgrund verschluckbarer Kleinteile.