2029, the Skynet cyborg army continues to wage war against the human resistance, led by the legendary John Connor. Skynet devises a new plan: send Terminators, who appear as humans, back in time to assassinate resistance leaders. In 1984, the first Terminator, a metal endoskeleton T-800, is sent to kill Sarah Connor and her unborn son. This mission fails, as the Resistance is also able to send a lone human protector to defend her. Ten years later, Skynet sends a newer, more formidable Terminator, the liquid metal T-1000, to eliminate the young John Connor. Once again, the Resistance sends a protector, but this time, they send a captured and reprogrammed T-800 to defend the boy. Winning John's trust, the T-800 is instrumental in the defeat of the T-1000, and learns the human traits of compassion, humor and tragically, self-sacrifice.
Sideshow Collectibles is proud to debut the first ever adult John Connor! Over the past 15 years, T2 has gained modern classic status, and cemented the Terminator franchise amongst the best of the science-fiction and action/adventure film genres. Sideshow is pleased to continue this series of extremely limited edition 1:6 scale busts with this limited and exclusive release of the John Connor Bust. Each high quality bust is cast in polystone, then hand-finished and hand-painted, and is limited to only 1,000 pcs worldwide.