People try to put him down just because he gets around. Dead bodies are awful cold. This guy will kill you before you get old. I'm talking bout Regenerator. Ok that joke is old now, but anyway, the Regenerator from Resident Evil 4 is part of the Resident Evil 4 Action Figure Series 2. This prickly pear of a bad ass is one of the most difficult characters to kill in the entire game. You have to find a certain way to take him out, but you won't have to find a certain way to get him in your home. All you have to do is pick him up from this great series of figures, along with the rest of them, and you'll get the mean bastard himself !
Bei diesem Produkt handelt es sich um einen Sammlerartikel!
Nur für erwachsene Sammler geeignet - nicht als Kinderspielzeug gedacht!
Von Kindern unter 3 Jahren fernhalten - Erstickungsgefahr aufgrund verschluckbarer Kleinteile.