Light years from Earth, the planet Krypton was on the brink of destruction. In a bid to save the life of his infant son, a scientist named Jor-El placed his baby, Kal-El, in a rocket and set it on a course to Earth. The rocket traveled across the universe before crashing in a cornfield in Smallville, Kansas, where it was found by a kindly couple, Jonathan and Martha Kent. The Kents decided to raise the child as their own, giving him Martha's maiden name, Clark...Superman is arguably the most recognized superhero in pop culture, and Sideshow is bringing him to life in stunning 1:4 scale. Set in the frozen sanctuary of the Fortress of Solitude, the Superman Premium Format figure stands over two feet tall, crafted with unparalleled attention to detail. The Man of Steel, DC Comics' iconic superhero, can now be part of your collection.
This product is a collectible item!
Only suited for adult collectors - not ment to be a child's toy!
Keep away from children under 3 years - choking hazard because of small parts.