Prime 1 Studio presents this groundbreaking addition to the Throne Legacy Collection. In collaboration with the famed comic artist Gabriele Dell’Otto for the 10th anniversary, here’s the 1:4 Scale Batman Tactical Throne Economy Version.
As you all know, Batman is a DC hero that is no stranger to Prime 1 Studio, but this statue of Batman is unlike any other thatPrime1 have presented to you before. Based on a variant cover of Batman Vol 3 #111 drawn by Gabriele Dell’Otto, the artisans have pushed the boundaries of sculpting once again to capture Batman’s essence in this truly breathtaking statue.
Within the depths of the Batcave, Batman sits on his throne, ever so slightly slouched. He gazes out into the distance, deep in thought… Is he pondering about a mysterious incident or perhaps remembering a faint clue, becoming puzzled by its purpose? Is he reminiscing about his childhood and the very event that has led him onwards on his path of vengeance? One can be sure that he’s constantly planning ahead, striving to devise the most tactical scheme possible.
Let’s take a closer look at this 18-inch-tall statue. Batman is here, wearing his classic costume of blue and grey. Every inch has been sculpted with the utmost attention to detail. From the fabric wrinkles to the signs of wear and tear from his crime-fighting over the years. Just look at the careful use of shading that has been applied to perfection. Both arms are resting on his armrests, and his cape is seen drooping down to the floor, partially covering his left leg. Stalagmites are found all around his throne, which helps evoke the atmosphere of the Batcave. This Economy Version is perfect for fans who want a sleeker and more compact version of this beautiful piece designed by Gabriele Dell’Otto.
- One (1) Batcave-themed base