Dear Masters of the Universe fans and collectors,

due to a lot of brand hot news from Eternia, we've got another special newsletter for you guys!


Past weekend, this year's Power-Con Exclusives have been revealed! Of course, all 3 exclusives are part of the ORIGINS line. We can look forward to a »Horde Multi-Pack« (with blue-skinned Hordak, dark Grizzlor, a Crimson Horde Trooper and a Shadow Horde Trooper), the »Faker & Dupli-Cat« 2-Pack and the »Secrets of Grayskull« Accessory Pack (with Humanoid Robot, a 3D Dungeon Grate with tentacle
and the Spirit of Castle Grayskull)

If and when we will be able to offer the exclusives on our website also this year, we currently can not tell. But you can be sure that we will do our very best to make the access possible - as in the years before. Please always watch out for our new and especially keep our shop on your MOTU radar... 


Our full amount of the 2021 Exclusives are on the boat and the shipment will arrive in about two weeks at the S.P.A.C.E headquarter! If you already pre-ordered, then you will get an update soon. If you still want to pre-order the »Flocked Panthor« and/or
the »Rise of Evil 2-Pack«, you're more than welcome to do so ;) 


Although the two new 500-pieces puzzles by Mattel were just announced lately, they are already on the way to us and should show up in a few days! That was really fast :)


A few days ago, the first images of the first four »Masterverse« figures on the NETFLIX »Masters of the Universe - Revelation« series appeared online. He-Man, Skeletor, Evil-Lyn and especially Moss Man look super cool, as we think!

As you can imagine, we are already after them and will list the figures on our site as soon as we have clear infos and pricing... 


Newly added for pre-order from TWEETERHEAD you can find the breath-taking »Teela Legends« Maquette in our shop. We really recommend you to place your pre-order not too late, to make sure you won't be missing out on this stunning collectible

The »Hordak Legends Maquette« by the way will be shipped to all pre-ordering customers by the end of May :)


We are still busy with processing our latest huge Origins arrival. Check out our Update-Video from 30th April. The following items are now in stock with sufficient quantities for all pre-ordering customers so far and we will allocate them step by step:
Land Shark, Battle Cat, Deluxe Ram Man, Deluxe Clamp Champ, He-Man, Skeletor, She-Ra, Roboto, Mer-Man and Panthor. 

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